Welcome to the Jungle

Well the closest that we’re going to get in Cincinnati.  This week I
finally made it to the new Jungle Jims location in Eastgate that opened on September 25.  It is located at 4450 Eastgate South Drive where Biggs used to be.
This store is more than a grocery store and is somewhat of an attraction.  The store has more than 180,000 items from around the world as well as a great variety of local foods.  I had been to the previous location in Fairfield years ago and didn’t really remember much of it but since this store was supposed to be much bigger and much closer I decided that I needed to make a visit.

The store has foods from numerous countries.  We looked at food from Mexico, China, Italy, Germany, etc.  It was fun to see all of the different food from all the
different countries.  Although in the countries where English is not the first language all of the packages didn’t have English on them so we weren’t sure what most of the items were.  Upon reaching the food from the United States there was also a large selection.  There was tons of produce, ice cream, candy, and meats.  There was also a large
selection of cheese and butter in their own section.  There was also a
large selection of different hot sauces with a fire truck, one of the many items that you would normally not see in a grocery store.  Also, don’t be fooled.  Even though the restrooms look like porta potties from the outside the are actually normal restrooms from the inside.

Overall, all the people I was with basically decided that for now we would still stick to doing our grocery shopping at other stores.  Jungle Jims has a huge selection but for us it didn’t have anything that we wouldn’t have anywhere
else.  It takes awhile just to walk through the store and is definitely not the store if you just want to walk in and grab a couple items.  But one thing that my mom loves is organic produce and they had a large
selection of produce but
not much of it was organic.  Jungle Jims would be great if there was a particular type of food that the normal grocery stores don’t stock.  Or if you love a certain food from a foreign country or are from a foreign country it would be a great place to shop.  Be sure to grab a map on the way in to know where all the different sections are.  We didn’t thinking we just wanted to wander around and had trouble finding the check outs when we are done (tip – they are near candy land and the cheeses).  We will probably be back since it is very close to our house but probably not on a normal basis.

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3 Responses to Welcome to the Jungle

  1. alyxeris says:

    Somehow I’ve yet to make it out to any of the Jungle Jim’s around here. It looks awesome though. I love the pictures you took.

  2. Jungle Jim’s has the best produce. Great post!

    I’ll have to get to the new location!

  3. I actually live 5 minutes from this Jungle Jims and I went for the first time a few weeks ago, and it blew my away. Before it was Jungle Jims, it was a Bigg’s and now it looks so much bigger on the inside, I swear they knocked some walls down or something. Not to mention, it is so easy to get lost in there! The place is amazing and I love going there and looking around at all the different things I can buy that you can not find anywerhe else. Jungle Jims is awesome!

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